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Seventh Generation
74. Miss Elsie Mildred
PERRY was born on 19 Jun 1896 in Bournmouth.208 [[[Birth note: RC ref BP1a. Cert CL 584616 entry 60:
dated 30 Jun 2000, by P Hammer, Deputy.
111, Stewart Road Bournemouth UD. Bournmouth, Christchurch, in the County of
Father: Frederick Henry PERRY: Town Postman.
Mother: Emma Cecelia Perry, formerly DAFTER, of 11 Stewart Road, Bournmouth,
Registered Birth on 30 Jul 1896, and original Registrar was Earnest L Lane.
(query 11 or 111)][Sep q 1896 Christchurch R-d]] She died on 26 May 1978.209 [Death note: Funeral attended
by RT Croker on ???]. [General note: Mother is given as Emma CeCElia: on mother's
Birth doc. it is Emma Celia] Miss Elsie Mildred PERRY and Mr Frank William
GODDARD were married on 5 Dec 1921 in Islington, London.210 [[Marriage note: MGP1 is an original Certified Copy.
RC ref MGP1. Cert C 34139 entry 167, dated 5 Dec 1921, signed by
Herbert Tice, and Alex S McAuliffe.
The register Office in Islington in the County of London. (by Licence)
FW Goddard aged 25, Prison Warder living at H.M. Prison, Birmingham.
Father: Frank Goddard, Wholesale Provision Dealer's Assistant.
EM Perry aged 25, living at 5, Waterloo Road, Islington.
Father: Frederick Henry Perry, Postman,(G.P.O.).
Witnesses: L-E L Dash: E A M(?) Coombs.]
[HKM Goddard (nee Philp) thinks EM P went to Islington to be near her cousins:
and these are possibly the witnesses, Coombs and Dash. It is therefore possible
E Coombs is the daughter of Hy Coombs and Elizabeth Dafter, and that perhaps
Louise Dafter married a Dash (Nov 2009 If the Dafter was Louise/a then it was
L Mary - see her entry)]]. Mr Frank William GODDARD
(son of Mr Frank GODDARD and Miss Agnes Emily WALKER) was born on 1 Jun 1896
in (Paddington) London.211
[[[Birth note: BG3 is an original copy of a Certified Copy.
RC ref BG3. Cert CL 538534 entry 169, dated 04 Aug 2000, signed by Dill Collins,
40, Moscow Road, S-d Saint John Paddington, RD Paddington in the County of London.
Father: Frank Goddard, Poulterer's Assistant.][1901 aged 4 b Bayswater][1901
aged 14 as Assistant with Builders b Paddington]]]
About 1921 he was a Prison Warder in Winson Green, Birmingham.
About 1938 he was a Principal Prison Officer in Pentonville, (London).
He died on 17 Apr 1945 in Springfield R-d.212,213 [[Death note: DG2a is an original
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death.
RC ref DG2a. Cert IJ 638594 entry 160, dated 23 April 1945, signed by
Frederick William Crane.
Springfield, Chelmsford, Chelmsford, in the County of Essex.
Aged 48, living at 59, Queens Road, Chelmsford, was a Retired Prison
Officer. Inquest 21 April 1945.]
[DG2b is an original Certified Copy of an Entry of Death, for the Purposes of
Widows' Orphans', & OGCP Acts
RC ref DG2b. Cert JC 885943, dated 23 April 1945, signed by Frederick
William Crane.
Springfield, Chelmsford, Chelmsford, in the County of Essex.
Aged 48, living at 59, Queens Road, Chelmsford, was a Retired Prison
Officer. Inquest 21 April 1945.]]
(fmp: 1945 Jun q: Goddard: Frank W. 48 Chelmsford: 4a: 530)
Miss Elsie Mildred PERRY and Mr Frank William GODDARD had the following children:
Miss Elsie Mildred PERRY and Mr Thomas BROADFOOT
were married in Oct 1947.214,215 [Marriage note: as Elsie M]