Home Surname List Name Index Sources | Index <No Surname>none . . . Narrative none . . . Narrative
ADAMSONMiss Trudy . . . Narrative
ANDERSONMiss Elizabeth (1811-1899) . . . Narrative Mr John (1772-1832) . . . Narrative Mr John (1806- ) . . . Narrative Mr John (1813- ) . . . Narrative Miss Rachel (1807- ) . . . Narrative William (1809- ) . . . Narrative
ANTHONYMiss Louise . . . Narrative
ARROLMr Scott Duncan . . . Narrative
ATHERTONMiss Doreen . . . Narrative
BALLMiss Ena Olive . . . Narrative
BOAZMiss Barbara . . . Narrative Miss Linda . . . Narrative Mr Robert . . . Narrative Mr Robert Harmon (1912-1981) . . . Narrative
BROWNMr Alexander (1825-1892) . . . Narrative Mr Alexander Hoy . . . Narrative Miss Alison . . . Narrative Miss Annie (1864- ) . . . Narrative Mr Arthur (1873- ) . . . Narrative Miss Fiona . . . Narrative Mr Fred (1882- ) . . . Narrative Mr Fred Alexander . . . Narrative Mr Fred Rutherford . . . Narrative Mr h o M Saunders) . . . Narrative Miss Henrietta (1810-1859) . . . Narrative Miss Henrietta Elizabeth (1875- ) . . . Narrative Miss Henrietta Hoy . . . Narrative Mr Henry Hoy (1869-1871) . . . Narrative Mr Henry Hoy (1878- ) . . . Narrative Miss Margaret (1824- ) . . . Narrative Miss Margaret (1869- ) . . . Narrative Miss Margaret . . . Narrative Mr Mark . . . Narrative Miss Mary J (1863- ) . . . Narrative Mr Philip . . . Narrative Miss Rita (1908-1999) . . . Narrative Mr Sidney Hudson (1895- ) . . . Narrative Mr William Alexander (1867-1869) . . . Narrative
BROWN] W OF FABMiss Anne . . . Narrative
CAIRNSMr Alfred James (1878-1898) . . . Narrative Miss Anna-Louise . . . Narrative Miss Annie ( - ) . . . Narrative Miss Barbara . . . Narrative Miss Barbara Irene ka Annie (1889-1955) . . . Narrative Mr Barry . . . Narrative Miss Brenda . . . Narrative Mr Brian . . . Narrative Mr Chester (Harvey) . . . Narrative Mr Chester Anderson (1883-1887) . . . Narrative Mr Chester Garnet . . . Narrative Mr Clifford . . . Narrative Mr David . . . Narrative Miss Edna Jane (1885-1981) . . . Narrative Miss Effie aka E Brown (1879-1887) . . . Narrative Miss Eileen . . . Narrative Miss Elizabeth . . . Narrative Miss Ellen . . . Narrative Miss Ellen Isabell (1876-1978) . . . Narrative Mr Elmer Gordon . . . Narrative Mr Garnet Chester (1892-1917) . . . Narrative Gestur . . . Narrative Mr Glen . . . Narrative Miss Helen . . . Narrative Mr James . . . Narrative Mr James . . . Narrative Mr James Jr (1814-1871) . . . Narrative Miss Jean Cora (1913-1982) . . . Narrative Mr John . . . Narrative Miss Judith . . . Narrative Miss Judith . . . Narrative Mr Kenneth . . . Narrative Leslie . . . Narrative Miss Leslie . . . Narrative Mr Lindsey Harvey (1894-1917) . . . Narrative Miss Margaret Elizabeth (1875- ) . . . Narrative Mr Marvin . . . Narrative Miss Muriel Edith . . . Narrative Mr Murray . . . Narrative Mr Orvil . . . Narrative Mr Peter . . . Narrative Miss Rachel . . . Narrative Mr Raymond . . . Narrative Miss Reva . . . Narrative Mr Ronald . . . Narrative Miss Rosalind . . . Narrative Mr Russell William (1910-1991) . . . Narrative Miss Sandra . . . Narrative Miss Shirley . . . Narrative Mr Sterling Wallace (1911-1984) . . . Narrative Miss Terry Alma . . . Narrative Mr Thomas (1849-1943) . . . Narrative, Narrative Mr Thomas Russel (1887-1966) . . . Narrative Mr Trevor Hoy Lunn (1913-1981) . . . Narrative Miss Valerie . . . Narrative Mr William . . . Narrative Mr William Hoy (1881-1918) . . . Narrative
CLAYSONMiss Cynthia Della . . . Narrative
CLEMENTMiss Edith . . . Narrative
COCKBURN / COBURNMiss Mary ( -1918) . . . Narrative
COLLIERMiss Isabell Maude (1906-1992) . . . Narrative Mr James Thomas (1897-1992) . . . Narrative Miss Mary Olive (1900-1994) . . . Narrative Mr Richard Alfred (1907-1956) . . . Narrative Mr Thomas (1879-1910) . . . Narrative Miss Velma . . . Narrative Miss Vera Barbara (1899-1983) . . . Narrative
COVERDALEMiss Elizabeth Ellen (Eleanor ?) (1874- ) . . . Narrative
CROKERMiss Barbara Margaret B.A. M.Env. . . . Narrative Mr Frank Thomas B.A.(Hons) . . . Narrative Mr John Campbell B.Sc. (Hons.) . . . Narrative Miss Louise Margaret . . . Narrative Mr Peter . . . Narrative Mr 040212 Richard Thomas B.Sc. (was MICE) . . . Narrative Mr Stefan Alexander . . . Narrative Dr.. Stephen Frank B.A. M.Sc. PhD. . . . Narrative Mr Timothy Thomas B.A. M.A. Cantab. M.Sc. A.C.A. . . . Narrative
DUNCANMiss Elva . . . Narrative Mr Ernest Raymond (1912-1992) . . . Narrative Miss Janice . . . Narrative Miss Linda . . . Narrative Miss Velma . . . Narrative
EINARSONMiss Astra (1912-1981) . . . Narrative
EVANSMiss Barbara Ann . . . Narrative
GODDARDMiss Christine Helen B.A. (Hons) Cert.Ed. . . . Narrative
HAANSTRAMr Piet . . . Narrative
HASTIEMr Ian R . . . Narrative Mr John (1818-1821) . . . Narrative Mr John (1825- ) . . . Narrative Mr John (1895- ) . . . Narrative Miss Rachel (1808- ) . . . Narrative Mr Thomas (1799-1861) . . . Narrative Mr Thomas (1855- ) . . . Narrative Mr William (1816- ) . . . Narrative
HAYMr Angus Morris (1934-1989) . . . Narrative Miss Betty . . . Narrative Mr John . . . Narrative
HILLSMiss Doris Maude . . . Narrative
HOTELMiss Myrtle Barbara (1902-1986) . . . Narrative
HOYRev Alexander (1795-1869) . . . Narrative Mr Alexander Henry . . . Narrative Miss Angela C . . . Narrative Miss Ann (1868- ) . . . Narrative Miss Anne Elizabeth (1839-1843) . . . Narrative Miss Annie (1846-1882) . . . Narrative Miss Annie Ord (1878- ) . . . Narrative Mr Arthur Alexander (1867- ) . . . Narrative Miss Barbara (1852-1897) . . . Narrative, Narrative Mr Benjamin Thomas (1873- ) . . . Narrative Mr Benjamin Walter . . . Narrative G/C Campbell Alexander M.C. B.A. . . . Narrative Dr Campbell Henry Alfred FRCS . . . Narrative Miss Carol Ann . . . Narrative Mr Charles Henry . . . Narrative Miss Dorothy . . . Narrative Miss Eleanor Jane . . . Narrative Miss Elizabeth Henrietta (1871-1875) . . . Narrative Miss Elizabeth Mary (1883- ) . . . Narrative Miss Emily Elizabeth (1877-1882) . . . Narrative Miss Ena Bertha Margaret . . . Narrative Miss Esther (1786-1847) . . . Narrative Mr Fred George (1876- ) . . . Narrative Mr Harry ( -1928) . . . Narrative Miss Helen (1784- ) . . . Narrative Miss Henrietta (1872- ) . . . Narrative Miss Henrietta Elizabeth (1852-1894) . . . Narrative Miss Henrietta Mary (1875- ) . . . Narrative Mr Henry (1837-1895) . . . Narrative Mr Henry Ernest (1898-1954) . . . Narrative Mr Henry Oxborough (1863-1926) . . . Narrative Miss Isabella . . . Narrative Mr James (1790- ) . . . Narrative Mr John (TBC) ( - ) . . . Narrative Mr John TBC (1746- ) . . . Narrative Mr John (1787-1810) . . . Narrative Mr John (J?) (1873-1928) . . . Narrative Mr John Robert (1842-1843) . . . Narrative Mr Joseph Denzil (1900-1963) . . . Narrative Miss Lucy Katherine . . . Narrative Miss Mary Anne (1879- ) . . . Narrative Miss Rachel Henrietta ka Ettie or Aunt Henrietta (1854-1936) . . . Narrative Mr Robert Alexander (1869- ) . . . Narrative Mr Robert Brydow (1869-1870) . . . Narrative Mr Robert C F . . . Narrative Mr Robert John JP (1844-1930) . . . Narrative Mr Robert Stanley Wootton (1899-1924) . . . Narrative Mr Samuel (1792-1878) . . . Narrative Miss Susan Jane . . . Narrative Mr Thomas Binney (BURney 1881) (1849-1883) . . . Narrative Mr Walter (1880- ) . . . Narrative Mr William (1751-1831) . . . Narrative Mr William (1789-1818) . . . Narrative Mr William (1816- ) . . . Narrative Mr William (1845-1930) . . . Narrative Mr William . . . Narrative Mr William George (1836-1911) . . . Narrative Mr William Henry (1875- ) . . . Narrative Mr William Thornton (1865- ) . . . Narrative
HOY] W OF ALEXANDER HMiss . . . Narrative
HOY] W OF THOMAS BMiss Margaret (1852- ) . . . Narrative
HOY] W OF WILLIAMMiss Judith . . . Narrative
HOY] W2 OF ROBERT JMiss ( - ) . . . Narrative
INWOODMr David George ( -1999) . . . Narrative Miss Louise Rilka . . . Narrative Mr Richard Ewart . . . Narrative
ISONMiss Ruth (1877- ) . . . Narrative
JAMESMiss Noreen . . . Narrative
JOHNSONMiss Martha Judith . . . Narrative
KIMBERMr Martin David B.Sc. (Hons.) . . . Narrative Miss Naomi Anne . . . Narrative Mr Thomas Andrew . . . Narrative
KINGMr Herbert (1906-1989) . . . Narrative Miss Margot . . . Narrative Miss Nancy . . . Narrative
LA\(E\EA)RME\(O)NT\[HEATLEY]Miss Rachel (1756-1837) . . . Narrative
LEWISMr Albert (1872-1944) . . . Narrative Miss Edna Irene (1898-1978) . . . Narrative
LUNNMiss Annie (1889-1986) . . . Narrative
MANNMr Colin aka Scottie (1890-1980) . . . Narrative Miss Margaret . . . Narrative
MARRIOTTMiss Janet R . . . Narrative
MARTINEMiss Esther (TBC) ( - ) . . . Narrative
MAXWELLMr John J W . . . Narrative
MCDONALDMr Archibald Allen (1921-1967) . . . Narrative Mr Wayne . . . Narrative
METTESONMiss Gerda . . . Narrative
MITCHELLMr Ralph . . . Narrative
MOIRMr Philip . . . Narrative Mr Thomas ( - ) . . . Narrative Mr Walter . . . Narrative
ORD(O)Miss Elizabeth Mary (1840-1910) . . . Narrative
PERKINSMr Albert (1873-1946) . . . Narrative
POYSERMiss Audrey Marion . . . Narrative Miss Barbara Enid (1916-1918) . . . Narrative Miss Hazel Lindsay . . . Narrative Mr Reuben (1882-1963) . . . Narrative
RAEMiss Isabella (1839- ) . . . Narrative
REIDMiss Margaret Anne (1856- ) . . . Narrative
RICHARDSONMr Alistair Burns . . . Narrative Miss Rilka Hoy Rutherford Brown ( -1999) . . . Narrative Mr William . . . Narrative
RIDDELLMr Alfred I . . . Narrative
ROBSONMr Ian . . . Narrative
ROOMEMiss Lydia (1866- ) . . . Narrative
RUTHERFORDMiss Mary Anne (1882- ) . . . Narrative
SAUNDERSMr John . . . Narrative Miss Mary Elizabeth . . . Narrative Dr Walter Gordon (1897-1975) . . . Narrative
SCOTTMiss Arlene (1912-1967) . . . Narrative Mr Frank Alfred . . . Narrative Miss Joanne . . . Narrative Mr John Lindsey (1918-1971) . . . Narrative Miss Lynda . . . Narrative Miss Mary . . . Narrative Miss Mildred Rose . . . Narrative Miss Muriel Irene . . . Narrative Mr Robert G . . . Narrative Mr Thomas Peers (1879-1945) . . . Narrative Miss Velma Margaret (1915-1998) . . . Narrative
SEDLARMiss Vlasta B.A. (Hons.) . . . Narrative
SERGEANTMiss Matilda Louisa . . . Narrative
SHAWMr Colin . . . Narrative Mr James (1892-1959) . . . Narrative Miss Phyllis . . . Narrative
SHILLINGTONMr Harold . . . Narrative Mr Harold (1902-1985) . . . Narrative Miss Lynne . . . Narrative
SHOPTONMiss Harriett (1856- ) . . . Narrative
SHORTMiss Mona Irene . . . Narrative
STEVENSONMiss Hope . . . Narrative
TAYLORMiss Annie Hoy ( -1966) . . . Narrative Mr George ( - ) . . . Narrative Miss Henrietta M (1879- ) . . . Narrative Mr William (1851- ) . . . Narrative Mr William A ? (1880- ) . . . Narrative
WOOTTONMiss Mary Leighton (1869- ) . . . Narrative
YULEMiss Isabella (Youle) (1799- ) . . . Narrative
ZIMMERMANMiss Corinne Ph.D. . . . Narrative